Rassegna Stampa. Aborto, in Argentina no del Senato. In Cina ora permessi tre bambini?

Pubblicato il 10 Agosto 2018 - 13:26 OLTRE 6 MESI FA

Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

Argentina’s senate has rejected a bill which would have legalised abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy

Argentina. Abortion: after a marathon debate, 38 senators voted against it and 31 in favour. Its defeat means lawmakers must wait until next year to resubmit legislation. Anti-abortion activists have been jubilant. Currently abortion is allowed in Argentina only in cases of rape, or if the mother’s health is in danger.

China Postage stamps to mark the incoming Year of the Pig in February 2019 show a parent pig couple and three piglets

Postage stamps unveiled earlier this week to mark the incoming Year of the Pig in February 2019 have led many social media users to question whether a loosening of family planning restrictions could be imminent. The stamps show a parent pig couple and three piglets. On the surface, it hardly appears to be a policy announcement. But users on the popular Sina Weibo microblog have pointed out that two years ago, before the one-child policy was abolished, China issued Year of the Monkey stamps featuring two baby monkeys. State media have also been suggesting that change is on the horizon. The China Times newspaper said in a recent editorial that the two-child policy is “not effectively increasing the national fertility rate”. The controversial one-child policy was first introduced in 1979 and finally abolished in late 2015.

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China.  The newly completed Weizhou Grand Mosque in Ningxia would be demolished

Officials said the newly completed Weizhou Grand Mosque in Ningxia had not been given proper building permits. In theory, China’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, but in practice, religious activities still remain tightly controlled by the government. Christian churches for example, have in the past been forced to remove crosses from their roofs, after the government said the symbol broke planning rules. In recent years, officials have become particularly wary of foreign religious influences, and authorities have targeted unofficial “house churches” connected to overseas missions.The current move to demolish the Ningxia mosque is indication that the government is now looking to extend control over other Muslim ethnic minorities, says rights groups Amnesty International.

Economic growth in the UK picked up by the warmer weather, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Economic growth in the UK picked up in the three months to June as construction and services were lifted by the warmer weather, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The economy grew by 0.4% in the period, compared with a rate of 0.2% in the first quarter of the year. Nancy Curtin, chief investment officer at Close Brothers Asset Management, said: “A rebound in economic growth in the second quarter should be taken with a pinch of salt. Even with some acceleration, the economy is far from its peak. “The rate of growth looks subdued in comparison to some global peers, with the US economy growing at twice the speed. “There are a number of factors underpinning sluggish economic expansion; the EU, a major trading partner for the UK has also seen momentum slow and businesses continue to be hindered by Brexit uncertainty.”

Russie. De nouvelles sanctions américaines seraient une « déclaration de guerre économique », selon Medvedev

Le premier ministre russe a affirmé vendredi que son pays réagirait avec tous les moyens à sa disposition si Washington adoptait une deuxième salve de sanctions. Jeudi, le Kremlin avait immédiatement qualifié d’« inadmissibles », « inamicales » et « illégales » les mesures annoncées par le département d’Etat américain et promis, selon un scénario désormais bien rodé, une riposte de niveau équivalent. « Quelles que soient les sanctions prises à l’encontre de la Russie, les mesures de représailles seront identiques », a prévenu la porte-parole de la diplomatie russe, Maria Zakharova, assurant que Moscou ne se plierait pas « au langage des ultimatums et de la force ».

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BBC.COM Kheris Rogers: The 11 year old girl who beat the skin colour bullies (video)

Eleven-year-old Kheris Rogers was bullied in school for her dark complexion, but has turned herself into a positive role model for others.This 11-year-old sells clothes and accessories with a message. Kheris started Flexin’ In My Completion a year ago and says she’s sold more than 10,000 T-shirts  already. Kheris has taken the fashion world by storm. Last year she became the youngest designer. To debut a fashion line at New York Fashion Week.