Rassegna Stampa. Francia, uccelli per pulire il parco. La NASA va verso il Sole

Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

France. Six “intelligent” birds to pick up rubbish and spruce up the grounds in a theme park

The rooks at the Puy du Fou theme park in the west of the country have been taught to collect cigarette ends and other small bits of rubbish.  The first feathery cleaners have already been put to work in the park Nicolas de Villiers, the head of the park, told AFP news agency that it was not just about keeping the area clean. “The goal is not just to clear up, because the visitors are generally careful to keep things clean”.It was also about showing “that nature itself can teach us to take care of the environment”. This is not the first time that birds have displayed their intelligence. Earlier this year,scientists created a vending machine that showed the crow’s ability to solve problems.

USA Nasa has launched its mission to send a satellite closer to the Sun than any before

US space agency Nasa launches mission to ‘touch the Sun’. The Parker Solar Probe rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It came after a failed attempt the previous day, when a last-minute alarm caused the agency to miss its 65-minute weather window. The probe is set to become the fastest-moving manmade object in history. The probe aims to dip directly into our star’s outer atmosphere, or corona. Its data promises to crack longstanding mysteries about the Sun’s behaviour.

USA. Nasa has delayed its mission to send a satellite closer to the Sun than any before

US space agency Nasa has delayed its mission to send a satellite closer to the Sun than any before. The Parker Solar Probe was set to launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida on Saturday, but last-minute investigations have delayed it for 24 hours. The rocket was on the launch pad when the countdown clock was interrupted, as officials investigated an alarm. This mission is important because Parker will help us better understand how the Sun works. The star is constantly bombarding the Earth with charged particles and magnetic fields. This perpetual flow, or “solar wind”, is responsible for generating the beautiful auroral lights that appear in polar skies, but there are some interactions that initiate much more troubling effects. The biggest outbursts from the Sun will rattle the Earth’s magnetic field. In the process, communications may be disrupted, satellites can be knocked offline, and power grids will be vulnerable to electrical surges.

Hacking for good

A competition organised by R00tz Asylum -a non-profit organization- promotes “hacking for good”.  Its aim is to send out a dire warning: the voting systems that will be used across America for the mid-term vote in November are, in many cases, so insecure a young child can learn to hack them with just a few minute’s coaching. “These are the websites that are very important because they report the election results to the public,” explained Nico Sell, the founder of R00tz Asylum. Hacking the real websites would be illegal. So instead, Ms Sell’s team created 13 sites that mimicked the real websites, gaping vulnerabilities and all, for 13 so-called “battleground” states – parts of the country where the vote is expected to be tight.

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USA. Glyphosate. A US jury has found that chemical giant Monsanto knew its Roundup weedkillers were dangerous

Jurors in San Francisco found that the company’s weedkillers contributed “substantially” to the terminal illness of groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson. Jurors found that the company had acted with “malice” and that it should have provided a label warning of the potential health hazard of its product. Mr Johnson’s lawyer, Brent Wisner, said the jury’s verdict showed the evidence against the product was “overwhelming”, adding that it was just “the tip of the spear” of future legal cases. Monsanto vice president Scott Partridge said “the jury got it wrong” and the company would appeal the verdict to “vigorously defend this product”. He said Roundup had been safe for more than four decades and more than 800 scientific studies showed the herbicide does not cause cancer. He added: “It is completely and totally safe and the public should not be concerned about this verdict.”

France. Alexis Kohler le secrétaire général de l’Elysée visé par de nouvelles accusations de conflit d’intérêts

Le bras droit d’Emmanuel Macron a approuvé en 2010 et 2011 des contrats entre le port du Havre (GPHM), dont il était alors membre du conseil de surveillance, et l’armateur MSC, fondé et dirigé par des cousins de sa mère. Le bras droit d’Emmanuel Macron a approuvé en 2010 et 2011 des contrats entre le port du Havre (GPHM), dont il était alors membre du conseil de surveillance, et l’armateur MSC, fondé et dirigé par des cousins de sa mère. Le site d’information avait déjà accusé M. Kohler de conflit d’intérêts au motif qu’il avait siégé à partir de 2010 au conseil d’administration de STX France (les chantiers navals de Saint-Nazaire), dont MSC était le principal client. Il avait rejoint l’armateur après août 2016 en tant que directeur financier. Ces révélations avaient entraîné en mai l’ouverture d’une enquête du parquet national financier

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