Torino, Procura indaga per lesioni. Appendino: “Seguita la prassi”

di Lorenzo Briotti |5 Giugno 2017 21:55

A man attends to a woman injured when football fans watching the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, fled in panic after reported false reports of a bomb at San Carlo's Square in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZ

TORINO – E’ stato aperto per lesioni plurime “anche gravissime” un procedimento penale, in procura a Torino, su quanto avvenuto sabato sera in piazza San Carlo, dove due ondate di panico hanno lasciato sul terreno più di 1500 feriti tra i 30mila supporters della Juventus che guardavano la finale di Champions sui maxischermi.

L’iniziativa fa seguito a una informativa della Digos. Il fascicolo è a carico di ignoti e fa seguito a una informativa della Digos. Il procedimento avviato formalmente dalla procura di Torino riguarda possibili “omissioni” da parte degli organizzatori: il titolo di reato si riferisce anche al comma 2 dell’articolo 40 del codice penale, in base al quale “non impedire un evento che sia ha l’obbligo giuridico di impedire equivale a cagionarlo”. Nella tarda mattinata, il procuratore di Torino, Armando Spataro, in merito all’indagine aveva parlato di nessuna ipotesi di reato e nessun indagato: “Allo stato attuale non ci sono né indagati né ipotesi di reato”.

La sindaca di Torino, Chiara Appendino, ha riferito in Consiglio comunale sui fatti di piazza San Carlo e si è difesa: “Seguita la prassi”. “L’evento ha seguito una prassi di atti amministrativi e di supporto organizzativo ormai consolidata”, con 106 vigili urbani presenti nel centro cittadino che hanno multato 34 soggetti per vendite abusive, una “piaga endemica dei grandi eventi” contro cui chiede “ulteriori azioni di prevenzione e repressione che devono necessariamente essere condivise da tutte le forze dell’ordine”. Di qui la proposta di autorizzare in sede di Comitato Provinciale per la Sicurezza tutte quelle manifestazioni di piazza potenzialmente pericolose e lì valutare anche eventuali prescrizioni aggiuntive necessarie”.

Perché “l’introduzione di prescrizioni, dopo i fatti di sabato, dovrà essere un tema centrale per la sicurezza degli eventi”. Tema sul quale riferisce dell’intenzione di valutare anche “l’utilizzo anche di altri luoghi”, compresi gli impianti di proprietà delle società sportive.

Dalle opposizioni, però, è un fuoco di fila contro la Appendino. Per l’ex sindaco Piero Fassino, la gestione di piazza San Carlo per la diretta della finale Champions “è stata affrontata con superficialità, richiamandosi solo all’ordinarietà della prassi, quando invece erano necessarie misure straordinarie”. “E’ ora che la sindaca si assuma le responsabilità che competono al suo ruolo – aggiunge -: ogni volta che c’è una difficoltà lei cerca di scaricarla su qualcun altro, quasi sempre su di me, ma di questi 1.527 feriti non può chiedere conto a me…”. Critiche arrivano anche da fuori Palazzo di Città. “Se è vero che la piazza era piena di cocci di bottiglie vendute abusivamente, che sono state poi la causa di tanti ferimenti, occorre anche un severo controllo delle norme di sicurezza, che vanno fatte rispettare da tutti”, è la presa di posizione dell’arcivescovo di Torino. Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia invita tutti “a prendersi le proprie responsabilità, senza scaricare su altri o sul caso quello che è accaduto”.

Giovane a torso nudo voleva calmare folla – Voleva tranquillizzare la folla il giovane a torso nudo, lo zainetto sulle spalle, ascoltato dagli investigatori, e poi completamente scagionato, per i fatti di piazza Castello. Il goffo tentativo ripreso dalle telecamere aveva fatto pensare potesse essere stato lui a scatenare il panico. La visione integrale del filmato da parte degli inquirenti e l’interrogatorio, hanno appurato ben altra realtà. Il giovane, sempre secondo quanto si apprende da fonti investigative, era ubriaco e si vede piangere nel video abbracciato a un paio di amici (foto Ansa).

San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. Probably was the collapse of the railing of a staircase access to San Carlo's underground car park to trigger panic among the people. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. Probably was the collapse of the railing of a staircase access to San Carlo's underground car park to trigger panic among the people. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes (presumably for a false alarm) where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
Italian soccer fans leave San Carlo's Square after false reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
An Italian emergency worker attends to an Italian soccer fan at San Carlos Square where people fled in panic after false reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
Italian soccer fans flee San Carlo's Square in panic after reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
Italian soccer fans leave San Carlo's Square after false reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
The railing of a staircase access to the San Carlo underground car park which collapsed during the stampede in Turin, Italy, 04 June 2017. More than 1,500 people were injured on 03 June when panic swept through a crowd of Juventus fans watching the Champions League final in San Carlo square in the northern Italian city of Turin, authorities said Sunday. The Turin prefect said in a statement that the crowd "was taken by panic and by the psychosis of a terror attack," fearing that a loud noise was caused by attackers. The source of the loud noise that triggered the stampede remained unclear, officials said. ANSA/ ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
epa06009009 A young man helps a woman injured when football fans watching the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, fled in panic after reported false reports of a bomb at San Carlo's Square in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes (presumably for a false alarm) where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes (presumably for a false alarm) where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. Probably was the collapse of the railing of a staircase access to San Carlo's underground car park to trigger panic among the people. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
The railing of a staircase access to the San Carlo underground car park which collapsed during the stampede in Turin, Italy, 04 June 2017. More than 1,500 people were injured on 03 June when panic swept through a crowd of Juventus fans watching the Champions League final in San Carlo square in the northern Italian city of Turin, authorities said Sunday. The Turin prefect said in a statement that the crowd "was taken by panic and by the psychosis of a terror attack," fearing that a loud noise was caused by attackers. The source of the loud noise that triggered the stampede remained unclear, officials said. ANSA/ ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes (presumably for a false alarm) where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
San Carlo's Square in Turin after the panic scenes (presumably for a false alarm) where Juventus' supporters are watched the UEFA Champions League final soccer match Juventus FC vs Real Madrid CF, Italy, 03 June 2017. ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCOmore
Italian soccer fans hug each other after fans fled San Carlo's Square in panic on hearing false reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
A man attends to a woman injured when football fans watching the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, fled in panic after reported false reports of a bomb at San Carlo's Square in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
An Italian soccer fan rests his injured leg at San Carlos Square where people fled in panic after false reports of an explosion during a televised viewing of the UEFA Champions League final soccer match between Juventus FC and Real Madrid CF, in Turin, Italy, 03 June 2017. Media outlets report that at least one person was carried away on a stretcher and ambulances and firefighters were attending the scene. EPA/BRIAN SCHULZmore
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