Rassegna Stampa. Iran, il pericolo di una guerra. Paradisi fiscali da capire

di fcavaliere |28 Maggio 2018 21:32

Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo

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Interview with former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer

Joschka Fischer talks about the danger of war against Iran, the deterioration of trans-Atlantic relations under U.S. President Donald Trump and the serious need for Germany to invest massively in the European Union’s future. The danger of a military clash between Israel and Iran in Syria is exacerbated by the U.S.’s withdrawal from the agreement. It is true that the current crisis is a result of the original sin of the invasion of Iraq. Iran’s rise to hegemony would not have been possible without the active help of George W. Bush and the American neocons. And without the collapse of Iraq, the rise of the “Islamic State” in Syria would not have come this far.

International.Les implications de l’évasion fiscal, les sujets de fiscalité et les paradis fiscaux

Gabriel Zucman, 31 ans, professeur assistant d’économie à l’université de Berkeley, en Californie et les statistiques bancaires internationals: “On y voit des centaines de milliards de dollars qui passent par les îles Caïmans, le Luxembourg ou Hongkong. J’ai voulu comprendre ce qui relevait de l’évasion ou de l’optimisation fiscale, et quelles implications tout cela pouvait avoir pour les gouvernements et l’impôt au XXIe siècle”.

Les petites et moyennes entreprises du Nord de l’Italie séduits par la Ligue

« On meurt. Le savoir-faire ancestral se perd et tout le monde s’en fiche. » Alors, depuis quelques années, ils votent pour la Ligue. Dimanche 27 mai, le parti d’extrême droite était sur le point de former un gouvernement avec le Mouvement 5 étoiles (antisystème) lorsque le premier ministre désigné, Giuseppe Conte, a jeté l’éponge, plongeant le pays dans une crise institutionnelle majeure. « Eux, ils nous écoutent, assure Piero Mentasti. Eux, ils nous respectent. Et ils nous défendent. »

Cecilia Malmström: EU won’t negotiate “until Trump stops pointing the gun at our chest”

European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström says: We won’t allow ourselves to be blackmailed and we don’t negotiate when someone puts a gun to our heads. I have made this very clear to my American counterparts over and over again. Only when it is certain that the U.S. will not impose punitive tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU will we be prepared to discuss those issues that are important to President Trump

Italian President Mattarella: a quiet figure, but also a determined one

President Sergio Mattarella on Sunday night declared that efforts to form a government had failed for the time being. It’s his job to ensure that the government’s actions are in compliance with the law. Before he took action on Sunday, he had warned repeatedly that many of the political platforms being championed by the two victorious parties would violate existing law if implemented. For example, the generous, multi-billion-euro election gifts, including tax cuts, lowering the retirement age and providing a basic income to all.

European Union to the new Italian government: We will not allow you to destroy the Eurozone

For the European Union, though, the Italian version of Trumpism is no less dangerous than the original. The political platforms of the new populist coalition government in Rome are comprised primarily of huge tax cuts while at the same time increasing pensions and social welfare services — which would push an already highly indebted nation even further into debt. It’s an agenda that brings along with it the constant threat of suicide attack on Europe: Either you make concessions, or we’ll blow up our country and the eurozone along with it.

Bad news for Italian finances and terrible news for the eurozone

“Rome Opens Its Gates to the Modern Barbarians,” was the headline chosen by the Financial Times 10 days ago in an editorial about the new government, which pairs the Five Star Movement (M5S) under the leadership of Luigi Di Maio with the right-wing nationalist party Lega, led by Matteo Salvini. But Italian papers weren’t any less critical.

This government, the 67th in the last 70 years, is perhaps the most unusual and least experienced of them all. At the top are two populists who are critical of the EU and friendly to Russia, two coalition partners who share few joint political goals and whose supporters hate each other.

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